Strategic IT Outsourcing in Uzbekistan - WebinarStrategic IT Outsourcing in Uzbekistan - Webinar

Strategic IT Outsourcing in Uzbekistan - Webinar

Discover the Emerging IT Hub with comprehensive government support and comfortable business environment


Uzbekistan is a strategic location with world's finest conditions for offshore outsourcing. During the last years, government of the country implemented comprehensive reforms to help IT-es companies scale business to the highest level.

What distinguishes Uzbekistan's IT sector on the global stage?


With dynamic economic growth and a stable political situation, Uzbekistan's business environment is flourishing, becoming increasingly attractive as a new IT hub with full government support and talented workforce.



Uzbekistan is emerging as #1 English-speaking country in Central Asia, ranking 4th in GovTech enablers and 15th globally in terms of internet costs. This favorable landscape is creating an ecosystem akin to a work of art, facilitating the growth of IT companies in the region.



Join us to unveil Uzbekistan's IT potential and take a deep dive into its tech landscape!

Date: 7th August, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

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Choose Uzbekistan as your outsourcing destination and grow your business with us!