Success Stories

Success Stories





Since 1993, we have relied on our Engineering DNA to underpin our work with clients, leading to major innovations, digital transformations, and business results. In that time, we’ve expanded geographically, as well as extended our core engineering capabilities to include business consulting, design, and physical product development.

Arkadiy Dobkin, CEO & President

60 250+
Renat Akhtyamov

Renat Akhtyamov

Office Head at EPAM Uzbekistan

"We've been operating in Uzbekistan since 2019 and have significantly grown in the local market, reaching 700+ employees. Our partnership with IT Park has brought immense benefits to our business. The ability to enjoy considerable tax benefits, provide our staff with modern, conveniently located housing near the office, and access state-of-the-art office facilities and infrastructure has undoubtedly strengthened our operations. IT Park's support has played a pivotal role in our expansion and success. We're excited about our future collaboration and growth prospects”.

Eugene Panich

Eugene Panich

CEO Almalence

"I am writing to express our appreciation for the invaluable support and incentives provided by Uzbekistan IT-Park, which have played a significant role in our company's success as we established a subsidiary software development company in Uzbekistan. Their commitment to fostering IT industry growth through tax benefits, reduced customs fees, and exceptions for hiring foreign talent has enhanced our global competitiveness. The efficiency and professionalism of their services in regulatory compliance and administrative processes have streamlined our operations. We strongly endorse Uzbekistan IT-Park to all software companies seeking a supportive environment to thrive and innovate in Uzbekistan."

George Held

George Held


"Embarking on our journey in Uzbekistan in 2019, we discovered a transformative partnership with IT Park. Their IT Visa program, which aids in official residence and Business Visa acquisition, has been instrumental in our operations. Beyond this, IT Park's unique tax benefits have significantly fueled our growth, enabling greater reinvestment into our business and local workforce. This collaboration has fostered an innovative and productive work environment. IT Park's consistent support has allowed us to build a skilled, diverse local team here in Uzbekistan, which has driven our business forward. We value IT Park not only as a strategic partner but as a vital collaborator in our Uzbekistan journey. Together, we anticipate continued success”.

Nikolay Knyazev

Nikolay Knyazev


We entered Uzbekistan market in 2022. The company’s growth in Uzbekistan took place with a huge support of IT Park Uzbekistan on time at all stages of our cooperation. It is a pleasure to note that IT Park Uzbekistan contributes to mutual interaction not only in the professional parts, but also invites Itransition employees to participate in various events aimed for smoother adapting and socializing in the new country. We believe that our cooperative and progressive work as well as high professionalism are the strong basis for our mutual outstanding achievements!

Robin Butler

Robin Butler

CFA Partner Sturgeon Capital Ltd

The company JV LLC "PRIME MEDIA SOLUTION" tm. Finmedia has been successfully operating since 2016. At the beginning of our development, the company launched projects to localize and promote digital content and streaming services of large foreign partner companies on the Uzbekistan market on the basis of mobile operators of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Since 2019, Finmedia has joined the ranks of IT Park residents and become part of the digital IT system in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Since 2020, Finmedia became part of the companies owned by the international investment fund Sturgeon Capital. Thanks to preferences and support from IT Park, the Company was able to reach a new level of its development in IT, which became the impetus for the further search for new opportunities in the development of new digital products in our country. With the help of IT Park, Finmedia has now implemented a number of projects to integrate software products in the Uzbekistan market, focused on Big Data, using digital infrastructure for decision making and improving real business processes of mobile operators and financial institutions. We transform mobile data into ratings and analytics solutions that improve the performance of mission-critical processes in the financial industry and support sound decision-making. It should be noted that IT Park always finds solutions to existing problems, thereby accelerating the digitalization of the country. How we see the mission of IT Park is to be a center for the development of innovative projects and attract young and talented specialists from all over the world, provide support to startups, share experience and form a new ecosystem of IT entrepreneurs in the Republic of Uzbekistan. IT Park helps to find worthy investment solutions for venture investors and business angels, such as the Sturgeon Capital fund, in order to develop a business in an effective and free environment. We are grateful to IT Park for the opportunity to be part of the new ecosystem and wish them development and movement only forward!

Natsagdorj Ganjiguur

Natsagdorj Ganjiguur


I'm Ganjiguur, an entrepreneur from Mongolia. My company, FIBO CLOUD, is working on expanding our business in Central Asia. To do this, we need to set up a legal entity because each country in this region has its own unique laws and regulations, including requirements for work permits. Similar to the support provided by the Astana hub, Uzbekistan IT Park offers tax benefits to create a welcoming environment for a smooth transition. For someone like me, who has limited connections and faces language barriers, the process of getting everything in order can feel quite overwhelming. However, the OSS solution from IT Park handled everything for me, and they continue to offer valuable support for running my business here. They still giving support to us. I'm extremely thankful for this solution.

Illya Pavlov

Illya Pavlov

Co-Founder of Reasunta Technology

We’re a Czech-German software engineering company. After considering all pros and cons, we have decided to found a legal entity in Tashkent and become a resident of the IT Park. IT Park colleague have gladly described how it all works as well as the benefits and obligations. We’ve been offered with an option to set up the legal entity remotely which we did use. Surprisingly, delivering the power of attorney was the longest step in the process. Afterwords, setting up the company took literally several hours – I wish we had something like this in Germany! Can’t wait to do business in Uzbekistan. A big „thank you“ goes to the IT Park colleagues and Ministry of IT for such a warm welcome and all the help provided.

Shakhzod Umurzakov

Shakhzod Umurzakov

CEO & co-founder TassVision