GetContact's Parent Company is exploring business opportunities in Uzbekistan

GetContact's Parent Company is exploring business opportunities in Uzbekistan


During a business visit to Türkiye, a delegation from IT Park Uzbekistan, led by CEO Farkhod Ibragimov, held a meeting with the Teknasyon team, represented by CFO Onur Kurugol.


Teknasyon is a promising Turkish IT company specializing in the development of innovative software solutions, with a primary focus on digital products and services for mobile platforms. The company’s annual turnover exceeded $80 million in 2023. Teknasyon’s portfolio includes well-known products such as GetContact, eSIMio, Desk360, among others.



During the negotiations, IT Park representatives presented the advantages of conducting business in Uzbekistan, highlighting the opportunities available for ITes companies. They underscored the availability of a highly educated and multilingual human capital. For example, out of 21 million people of working age, over 1 million are fluent in Turkish, and more than 5 million in English. Furthermore, the IT talent pool increases annually by more than 125,000 graduates of IT universities and professional training courses.


Furthermore, the Turkish company was introduced to government-initiated support programs such as Zero Risk and Softlanding, and others, designed to optimize operational costs, allowing businesses to focus funding on expansion and growth.



As a further step in their cooperation, Teknasyon intends to visit Uzbekistan to explore the country’s dynamic market, local professionals, and extensive infrastructure.


This move underscores Uzbekistan’s growing potential in the technology sector and reflects the increasing interest of international companies, which in turn, will create new high-paying employment opportunities for local specialists and provide avenues for their professional growth and global competitiveness.