IT Park Conducts Meeting with Japan Business Association Companies

IT Park Conducts Meeting with Japan Business Association Companies


On July 19, a meeting took place between representatives of IT Park and a Japanese delegation comprising member companies of the Japan Business Association. Seven member companies attended the meeting: Mitsubishi Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, Japan Digital University, Uryu & Itoga, Restaurant Furusato, and the Japan External Trade Organization.



The Japan Business Association is one of the major Japanese associations, encompassing several thousand companies from nearly all business sectors. The meeting was organized at the initiative of the Japanese side, which is interested in outsourcing services to Uzbekistan for further collaboration and the recruitment of Uzbek IT specialists. Currently, IT Park residents primarily export IT services to Japan.


During the meeting, the Japanese delegation was presented with the ongoing program for developing Uzbekistan’s digital economy and the state support program for ITES companies, aimed at expanding their activities into new markets. Furthermore, representatives of the Japan Business Association were briefed in detail on the initiatives and incentives offered by IT Park, including tax preferences with a 0% rate.



The Japan Business Association representatives expressed particular interest in the Zero Risk program and Uzbekistan’s human capital. The number of young specialists proficient in Japanese among the country's citizens continues to grow due to fruitful cooperation with Japan Digital University.


During the negotiations, further steps for collaboration between the Japan Business Association and Uzbek companies were discussed, including the terms of partnership and the conclusion of outsourcing agreements. Moreover, the Japanese companies outlined criteria for the initial selection of local specialists to evaluate their skills and professional qualifications.



The recent meeting with representatives of the Japan Business Association underscores the growing interest of Japanese companies in Uzbekistan. In turn, the establishment of Japanese outsourcing offices within the country will create additional employment opportunities for our citizens, enabling them to gain unique international work experience.