Opening of the First Startup Center “Startup Garage” in Tashkent

Opening of the First Startup Center “Startup Garage” in Tashkent


On July 20, 2024, Tashkent hosted a significant event — the opening of Uzbekistan’s first startup center, “Startup Garage”, and the presentation of the first online program, “Startup Foundation”.



The opening ceremony was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Digital Technologies, O. Umarov, executives and employees from leading Uzbek banks, and startup representatives. The event garnered significant attention from key figures within the financial and entrepreneurial sectors.



“Startup Garage” represents an initiative to foster innovation and entrepreneurship within the country. The project's main objective is to support startup ventures, attract investments, and create new employment opportunities. The center will provide young and talented entrepreneurs with the essential resources, knowledge, and skills necessary for the successful realization of their projects. 



The project enjoys the support of major national banks and financial organizations, such as Aloqabank, Aloqaventures, Ipotekabank, Mohirdev, and Mohirlar. This support underscores the high level of trust and interest in Uzbekistan’s startup ecosystem.



The event featured presentations from five leading startups: Magicbot,,, Ameen Group, and Vamar TMS. Furthermore, pitch sessions were conducted, during which bank executives and startup founders discussed collaboration plans and investment opportunities.



Participation in “Startup Garage” offers startups a range of significant benefits:


- Access to essential resources and seasoned mentors

- Opportunities to attract investment

- Networking with major financial institutions and other entrepreneurs

- Assistance with marketing and advertising, facilitating successful market promotion.



To participate in “Startup Garage”, please register at or contact us at +998770475753.