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Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Türkiye: new opportunities for bilateral cooperation

Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference in Türkiye: new opportunities for bilateral cooperation

Uzbekistan Outsourcing Conference, the leading event by IT Park Uzbekistan, showcasing the global business opportunities created in Uzbekistan, was held in Istanbul, Türkiye. The participation of representatives from over 60 companies, along with significant interest from Turkish businesses, marked the event as a crucial step toward strengthening bilateral relations in the ITes services sector between the two countries.


Turkish Company Tempo BPO Considers Engaging IT Specialists from Uzbekistan

Turkish Company Tempo BPO Considers Engaging IT Specialists from Uzbekistan

During a business visit to Istanbul, the IT Park Uzbekistan delegation, led by CEO Farkhod Ibragimov, held a meeting with representatives of Tempo BPO, a Turkish company represented by Mr. Cemal, a member of the Board of Directors.


GetContact's Parent Company is exploring business opportunities in Uzbekistan

GetContact's Parent Company is exploring business opportunities in Uzbekistan

During a business visit to Türkiye, a delegation from IT Park Uzbekistan, led by CEO Farkhod Ibragimov, held a meeting with the Teknasyon team, represented by CFO Onur Kurugol.


IT Park Uzbekistan Strengthens Collaboration with the Korean ITES Sector

IT Park Uzbekistan Strengthens Collaboration with the Korean ITES Sector

Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea have maintained close and productive relations for decades, encompassing a diverse range of fields, from industry and economy to culture. The investment appeal of Uzbekistan for Korean partners in the IT and outsourcing sectors is rapidly increasing, and the Uzbek-Korean IT Business Alliance was recently established.


How to Become a Member of IT Park Uzbekistan?

How to Become a Member of IT Park Uzbekistan?

IT Park Uzbekistan serves as an outsourcing hub, bringing together technology and service companies engaged in creating digital services and software products. To enhance export performance and increase the country’s investment appeal, the government is undertaken relevant measures.


IT Park Uzbekistan strengthens international ties

IT Park Uzbekistan strengthens international ties

IT Park Uzbekistan continues to promote Uzbekistan on the global stage, earning the trust of global companies and organizations. This week saw a series of meetings and negotiations, as well as participation by the IT Park Uzbekistan delegation in major international events.


IT Park Receives Anti-Corruption Management System Compliance Certification

IT Park Receives Anti-Corruption Management System Compliance Certification

IT Park has successfully attained certification for compliance with the international standard ISO 37001:2016, underscoring the organization’s commitment to combating corruption in all its forms.


President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited IT Park branch in Karakalpakstan

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited IT Park branch in Karakalpakstan

During the visit to the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, visited the new IT Park branch in Nukus, which was constructed following his initiative after his 2021 visit.


IT Park Uzbekistan and MAAB Prepare the Next Generation of Data Analysts and Engineers

IT Park Uzbekistan and MAAB Prepare the Next Generation of Data Analysts and Engineers

IT Park Uzbekistan, in collaboration with MAAB Innovation and the Kukdala district administration, successfully conducted a qualification testing for 138 young individuals from Kukdala district as part of the “Talent Program”. Following the testing process, 17 students were admitted to the Data Analytics & Data Engineering course on a fully funded basis.
